Run team meetings that get everybody talking.

Gather agenda items from the team and show up prepared. Work together, win together.

Collaborative meeting agendas and notes

Bring everybody's voice to the meeting

Topicflow creates a space that easily allows people to take initiative and take ownership. You can guide and prompt action before and during meetings to direct and encourage teamwork and collaboration.
Integrated Action Items and Decisions

Capture and delegate on the fly

Action Items and Decisions can be created within the meeting notes, ensuring that context is never lost when reviewing past commitments. Action items can also be assigned ownership and deadlines for instant accountability.
Dynamic meeting history

Search beyond the borders of your current meeting

With dynamic meeting history, you not only have all of the history you need from your current meeting series, but you can search for and reference anything you need from other meetings as well, without leaving the current one.
Performance Management, reimagined with AI.
Sign up for free today and run results-driven meetings.

Great for all kinds of meetings.